Page 13 - APi innovation - accountability for improvement
P. 13
The 4MAT Canvas allows a quick are the elements too that us Principals often initially have least interventions provides a great sense of celebration and
and easy visual representation of knowledge of? momentum for improvement.
where your school is currently at The canvas coloured in over time shows clear progress in each area, As we can see the canvases for each school in the MAT then
and areas where there is least progress. Again, this has implications when we have an identified need, the correct school can be
in ALL competencies. for SIP, Performance Management and Professional Development approached and asked for insight or help. In the same way
and therefore effective school management and leadership. across the group we can quickly see peaks and troughs in each
This is particularly useful in the ever-changing political landscape! competency and target support including central services,
Especially pertinent right now when the whole view of a learner is The criteria and key questions behind each competency and the forward plan and have sufficient quality thinking time rather
needed and not just the “data”. way in which competencies are cross referenced and linked also than being reactive as always seems to happen in education
ensures that all are working to the same end and most efficiently.
The colour coding is easy to understand and the ability to put a It enables staff in school and in the wider MAT organization (or when the goal posts change every 5 seconds!
‘border’ around competencies alerts all Senior Leaders to any local authority if not an academy) to see how their role plays a Trajectory and risk statements are very empowering in the risk
risk factors which in turn should immediately inform your School key part in the bigger picture. section and makes us nail colours to the mast and be bold,
Improvement Plan updates and edits over the school year. brave leaders! With the LIB, what has been particularly useful is
Competencies are easy to RAG rate, with characteristics which
The headings of the competencies are particularly supportive to we are familiar with. The ability to be able to add context to the as you are populating the canvas with a peer and a coach you
a Principal of a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) school where major criteria - of bespoking audits to suit our governance systems for see your whole school before you, the journey it is on and where
parts of competencies such as compliance and budget are mainly example, has been very useful. you as a leader will drive improvement next for the benefit of all
tracked by a central team rather than being a substantive part of our children.
the principal’s operational role. These may include elements with Behind the 4MAT canvas, the opportunity to evidence your
more risk to the whole MAT, but I would hazard a guess that they examples of good practise and monitoring of impact of