Page 4 - APi innovation - accountability for improvement
P. 4
4MAT will support:
PORTRAY 1. Individual schools or settings
The APi 4MAT Programme looking for a new approach to
school improvement
PERFORMANCE, is the new strategic and 2. Groups or networks of schools
operational management
looking for a new approach
framework that takes the
ambiguity out of accountability to peer to peer working and
ACCOUNT FOR and supports continuous self- 3. Formal arrangements of
improvement and effective
corporate governance. schools such as Multi Academy
Trusts (MATs) looking for a new
IMPROVEMENT, way to approach accountability
for improvement and corporate
SAFEGUARD 4. Authorities looking for a new
approach by which to maintain
strategic oversight of the
performance and needs of its
RISK AND LEAD 5. Schools looking to establish and
develop learning communities
TRANSFORMATION locally, regionally or globally.