Page 5 - APi innovation - accountability for improvement
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HOW CAN YOU AFFORD TO BE the process of seeking and interpreting evidence
WITHOUT 4MAT? by leaders and stakeholders to establish and to
maintain an effective overview of responsibility for
In the current ever-changing landscape of performance and accountability for improvement of
education, leaders increasingly need to be able to a school or organization across 10 interdependent
demonstrate accountability in an accessible and yet holistic competencies.
comprehensive way. 4MAT provides an online system
that does this alongside an essential relationship 4MAT portrays performance and identifies risk
with a dedicated 4MAT coach and team of experts. and necessary mitigation to maintain the identified
trajectory for improvement.
This on-going relationship is at the heart of
moving a school or organisation forward in an It is based upon five stages of improvement –
honest and accurate way, based upon evidence stabilize, repair, improve, sustain and share – and
presented objectively and not subjectively – analyses and portrays these across all competencies
where blame does not feature and has an inverse for each school and for the group or network.
relationship with accountability. This provides an 4MAT will support leaders looking for an effective
opportunity for leaders to portray the performance accountability and corporate governance
of their organisation through compassionate framework to help support their school improvement
accountability and wholeheartedness. or as part of their transformation to becoming an
WHAT IS 4MAT? academy or to becoming part of a network, alliance
or MAT. It supports peer-to-peer, school to school
Through 4MAT you enter a totally supported working and the growth of system leadership.
relationship based upon the synergy of an It promotes effective collaboration – locally,
online system and a 4MAT coach that will instil nationally and globally. Corporate governance is
confidence and the drive for sustained success. made clear and transparent with a focus on the work
of the Local Improvement Board (LIB).
4MAT is the contextual picture that comes from